Thursday, January 6, 2011

Be more creative

An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail.
 - Edwin Land

One of the tasks I challenged my team with this year was to think outside of the standard event or tradeshow mold and bring some really vibrant creativity to the experience. We managed to do some interesting things. Found some new vendors who brought us fun toys to use at our events. But I think we're still missing the mark.

The interesting thing about this article about How to be More Creative is that a lot of the things they mention are what we go through. The issue that we go through them with anger and frustration. We build amazing, creative things. Then an executive knocks them down or builds them up into things we can't afford and we are force to rebuild things multiple times. This article taught me that this process we resist is actually amazing for the creativity we are seeking.

Due to this hair-tearing-out process we've experienced this year, we have created some really amazing attendee experiences this year.

So it's not about "not being afraid to fail," it's about not being afraid to destroy a perfectly fine event to build an even more amazing one.

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