Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Delayed Update

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
- Ferris Bueller

The sad truth is that when you work at a large corporation, you find yourself doing email and working during all that time that used to be "spare." So between September and now, I have spent evenings with the baby, put him to bed and then gone back online to work.

But to update the last couple of months, meeting with the European event team was FANTASTIC. They have some great experience and ideas that we can learn from, and we have some great tools and resources that will help them. I'm so excited to be working on a project to bring our colleagues from around the world together.

And yes, the husband and the baby survived just fine without me!

So now back to posting interesting event information, and less droning about myself.

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