Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Diets to worry about

I am not a complete vegetarian. I eat only animals that have died in their sleep.
 - George Carllin

Vegetarians have been on the event planning radar for a very long time. BBQ events are the worst - really, what do they get to eat? Potato salad and some beans? *Maybe* a salad, if you remembered to order one.

Kosher has also been a common request and we have to rely on our venue to prepare for those requests.

The latest and greatest, though, is gluten free. This isn't just an old Atkin's Diet fad coming back. This is a real health hazard - Celiac's Disease as well as a simple gluten intolerance means that your immune system cannot process wheat products. You would actually be surprised to learn what contains wheat products. Soy sauce, for one! Work closely with your chef to ensure that you have options for gluten free lifestyles.

One of my team members recently did an event where a registrant listed as a dietary restriction, "Averse to large quantities of lard." That was a new one.

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